Closed cooling water system

The main function of a closed cooling water system is to use cooling water to cool and lower the internal circulation medium of various heating equipment, such as metallurgical blast furnaces, smelting furnaces, heat treatment, steam turbines, generators, air conditioning hosts, fans, compressors, industrial appliances, quenching fluids, hydraulic oils, etc. We need to understand the function of a closed cooling water system. Firstly, we need to understand its structure, then understand the process of each part, and finally determine the characteristics of the closed cooling water system.

Closed cooling water system maintains complete isolation from the outside world during the circulation cooling process, that is, there is no contact with the heat exchange air, and there is no direct heat exchange with the air or complete isolation from the outside air. This ensures the purity and non-destructive properties of the circulating water or medium.

Closed cooling water system, compared to an open cooling water system, is a traditional cooling water system that uses an outdoor fiberglass open cooling tower, where water is sprayed down from the top. During the spraying process, the temperature continuously decreases with the convective heat exchange and evaporation of circulating water and air.

Structure of Closed Cooling Water System

In general, a closed cooling water system (i.e. a circulating closed cooling water system) consists of industrial heating equipment, closed cooling towers, circulating pumps, system pipelines, and water tanks.

Process flow of each part of a closed cooling water system

Industrial heating equipment is a device that produces heat and requires cooling and cooling. There is a circulating medium passing through it, which is heated inside.

Closed cooling tower is a device that emits heat and transfers it to the atmosphere through it. It is a terminal device for heat dissipation, where the circulating medium cools and cools down.

The circulating pump is the power source that drives the flow of the circulating medium.

The system pipeline is the space where blood vessels and circulating media flow, connecting various components more and more.

A water tank is a container used as a stabilizing and supplementary medium.

Characteristics of Closed Cooling Water System

Due to the unique structure of the closed cooling water system itself, it has the following advantages:

  • No evaporation, due to complete closure, there is no evaporation, ensuring that the number of circulating media remains constant;
  • No scaling, for circulating water, as there is no evaporation, the concentration of various ions inside remains unchanged, so scaling will not occur;
  • No impurities, due to complete isolation from the outside world, no external impurities enter, ensuring the purity of the medium. Suitable for cooling various flowing media.
  • Water saving, during cold winter periods, only air cooling can meet the cooling requirements. Due to its automatic operation, the sprinkler system automatically stops and there is no water consumption; Industrial equipment will automatically stop during the start, stop, and maintenance periods when the temperature meets the requirements. Overall, there is a significant water-saving effect.
  • Energy saving, as both the fan and spray can automatically control the start and stop according to the temperature, the energy consumption per ton of water can be reduced.